The age begins when any country achieves Military Technology 15 and 10 years has passed since then. They wish to establish strong kingdoms by conquering already developed and prospering lands from the rich and powerful empires of past ages. Nomadic tribes all over the world are preparing to settle into new lands. Goguryeo Military: +10% Infantry Combat Ability (requires Goguryeo).Gupta Golden Age: -5% Technology Cost (requires Gupta).Aksumite Traders: +1 Merchants (requires Aksum).Sassanid Cataphracts: +20% Calvary Combat Ability (requires Sassanids).Classical Diplomacy: +1 Diplomatic Relations.Efficient Administration: +3% Administrative Efficiency.Classical Generals: +1 Land Leader Shock.Resist Christianity: Slows down the spread of Christianity.Conscription: +10% National Manpower Modifier.Trade Expeditions: +20% Colonial Range, +20 Trade Range.Reach Manpower Limit: Reach your manpower cap.Large Treasury: Have at least 5000 ducats in the treasury.Low Autonomy: Have autonomy below 30 in every province.50 Years of Peace: Be at peace for 50 consecutive years.Great General: Have a general with at least 4 shock.Unified Culture: Own every province of your culture group.The age begins when any country achieves Administrative Technology 8 and 10 years have passed since then. Will the surrounding smaller realms be able to exploit the growing weaknesses of the larger empires? Satavahana Syncretism: +3 Tolerance of Heathens (requires Satavahana)Ĭhristianity is spreading in Europe while the great empires of the earlier Classical period are starting to crumble from within.Han Administration: +15% National Tax Modifer (requires Han).Parthian Tactics: +50% Cavalry Flanking Ability (requires Parthia).Roman Stability: -2 National Unrest (requires Rome).The following abilities are tied to certain nations: Home Field Advantage: +1 Combat Bonus in Terrain of Capital.Lasting Resistance: +50% Hostile Core-Creation Cost on us.Ambush Tactics: +1 Attrition for Enemies.Additional Generals: +1 Leaders without Upkeep.Classical Philosophy: -10% Administrative Technology Cost.Classical Architecture: -10% Construction Cost.High Income: Have a monthly income of 50.Great Cities: Own at least 20 provinces with at least 10 development.No Unrest: Don't have unrest in any of your provinces.Natural Scientist: Employ a natural scientist.Classical Empire: Have Empire government rank or be the emperor of China.This age begins at the start of the timeline. The key to success is keeping these big empires contented while growing on the expense of weaker kingdoms.
The Classical Age is dominated by old and powerful empires such as Rome, Parthia and the Han dynasty of China. 11 to 13: the 3 Ages from after the vanilla time period (numbers 11 and 13 included).7 to 10: the 4 Ages from vanilla (numbers 7 and 10 included).0 to 6: the 7 Ages from before the vanilla time period (numbers 0 and 6 included).4 Ages in vanillla and 14 Ages in ET means the Ages' numbers are totally different whether you are in vanilla or in ET if you type "age 0" in vanilla you will trigger the Age of Discovery, if you type "age 5" in vanilla nothing will happen.įor conveniency, here is a brief summary of the Ages' numbers in ET: In vanilla, the same kind of chronological numerotation occurs, but there is only 4 Ages. The Age's number can be found in this article in the heading of every Age.ĮT's Ages numerotation is different from vanilla. For example, in ET, if you want to activate the Classical Age type "age 0", for the Late Classical Age type "age 1", for the Age of Revolutions type "age 10", for the Great War Age type "age 12", so on and so forth from "age 0" to "age 13" (if you enter a number above 13, e.g. The number of the Ages follow the historic chronology and start at 0 with the Classical Age. "age 4" the console does not care about capitalization, so "AgE (Number of the age)" will also work, e.g. To switch from one Age to the other with the console, use "age (number of the Age)" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter, e.g. There is therefore a total or 14 Ages in ET (7 before the vanilla time period, 4 from vanilla, 3 after the vanilla time period). After: Industrial Age, Great War Age, Information Age. Before: Classical Age, Late Classical Age, Age of Migrations, Dark Age, Feudal Age, High Middle Age, Late Middle Age. In Extendent Timeline, Ages are linked to Global Ages modifiers.Įxtended Timeline adds some Ages from before and after the vanilla the time period. Each age has a set of objectives that grant power projection and splendor generation, as well as abilities that can be activated using splendor. The Extended Timeline mod is divided up into several Ages.